4 Common Mistakes You Should Never Make At Cremation Services

Nobody wants to be in the unfortunate situation of attending a cremation service for a loved one. However, when you are faced with going to a memorial service, you likely want to comfort other mourners. Unfortunately, many people inadvertently make great faux pas at memorial services that can leave people perplexed or, even worse, hurt. Avoid these common mistakes that people make at cremation services.

Mistake #1: Putting Down the Deceased

It's been a general rule of thumb that one should not speak ill of the dead for centuries, but many people don't bother to consider that nicety when speaking at a cremation service. Even if the deceased person did something that outraged you, refrain from criticizing the person in any way during a memorial service. This is a last good-bye of sorts, and mourners want to celebrate the person's life, not dwell on bad memories.

Mistake #2: Making It All About You

People too often internalize their grief to such a degree that a cremation service can feel as though it is all about their pain. However, there are likely to be many people who are feeling deep grief and loss at the memorial service. Don't spend the entire time talking about how upset you are. Be sure to try to comfort others who are also in mourning.

Mistake #3: Ignoring Kids Who Attend

Children at a cremation service can make everyone feel a little uncomfortable. Nobody wants to think of a child having to try to grasp this level of loss and pain. However, if a parent has determined that their child needs to attend a memorial service, try to make it as pleasant for them as possible. Speak sincerely and comfortingly to a child who attends, and don't feel like you have to hide your feelings.

Mistake #4: Creating a Scene

Don't act out if you see someone you strongly dislike at the cremation service. Also, no matter how much pain you may be in, try to avoid hysterically crying or other things that will draw a lot of attention to you during a cremation service. The memorial service needs to remain focused on your deceased loved one, and even unintentionally creating a scene may take attention away from memorializing the person.

Finally, keep in mind that it's better to err on the side of caution when it comes to behavior at a cremation service. Don't try to take risks on whether someone would appreciate a joke or make crude comments about the deceased. Even if the person who has passed away was a joke-loving extrovert, their loved ones may not be expecting irreverent behavior at the cremation service. Play it safe at a memorial service, and you won't regret it.
