Three Unique Ways To Use Cremation Ashes

Planning your funeral is important because it allows your loved ones to have time to grieve without having to make intricate decisions regarding your funeral that could be difficult for them to make. Planning a funeral can be easier if you use the help of a funeral home like Foran Funeral Home. If you have decided that you want to be cremated, it is important to decide what you want them to do with your ashes. Many people choose to have their ashes spread in a location that they loved or kept in an urn on someone's mantle. Instead, consider being creative with your ashes so they are not just kept in an urn as a constant reminder that you have passed. The guide below walks you through three options to consider for your ashes.

Have Your Ashes Used in a Work of Art

Many people do not realize that their ashes can be added to different elements to create a work of art that your loved ones can cherish for years to come. The ashes can be added to paint to create a masterpiece or to clay to create pottery your family can display with pride. The ashes can also be added with glass to create vases or nick knacks. Choose what you want created with your ashes before you pass away so that it can be one last gift that you give to your loved ones after you have passed.

Have Your Ashes Used in Jewelry

Ashes can be used to create man-made gemstones so that your loved ones can always have you with them through every step they take in life. There is jewelry available that can hold the ashes, as well if you do not want them to be used to create the gemstones. Choose a design that you are sure everyone will enjoy wearing so that they will appreciate the gesture when everything is said and done.

Offer for Family Members to Use Your Ashes in a Tattoo

Advancements have been made that now allow ashes to be used when creating a tattoo on someone. This will allow you and your loved one to be bonded together for all time. You need to go to a tattoo artist who specializes in cremation tattoos to find out what steps need to be taken to ensure that the tattoos can be done legally and safely before you pass so that the proper protocol can be followed when the time comes.

All of these options are not overly expensive and can be paid for in advance so that your loved ones do not have to worry about paying for anything after you die. The gestures are a unique way to show your loved ones how much you love them.
