Planning A Non-Religious Funeral For Your Loved One

Planning a funeral for someone who wasn't religious can be difficult, particularly if the rest of your family is religious. However, with the help of your funeral director and a few helpful tips, you can create a spiritual service that doesn't go against any of your loved one's wishes. Here are a few ideas you can use when planning a non-religious funeral.

Let The Family Know

Some relatives may be expecting a religious service because it is what is typically expected at a funeral. You can leave a note in the obituary letting everyone know that the service won't feature a religious component, and you can also send out a group email letting everyone know that prayer cards or other similar traditions won't be necessary. This will help to set expectations and avoid surprising any deeply religious family members. You may also request that anyone speaking refrain from reciting prayers or hymns.

Choose Appropriate Readings

Just because you won't be reading any Bible passages at the service doesn't mean you can't have any readings at all. Having a family member recite a beloved poem, or even the lyrics from your loved one's favorite song, can make the service seem more personal. Be sure to read the words for each poem or song thoroughly to ensure they are appropriate for a funeral service. You may even choose to have the peom or song printed on the funeral program so everyone can follow along just as they would a traditional prayer.

Allow Multiple Eulogies

In place of a priest or pastor speaking at the service, consider inviting several family members to offer their own eulogies for your loved one. You may want to limit the time everyone speaks to keep the service brief, so be sure to let anyone speaking know this in advance. Another option is to simply allow people who wish to speak to come forward and share their favorite memories.

Offer A Touching Graveside Service

You can still have a graveside service even without a religious component. You can invite everyone to sing a favorite song together, or you can recite a meaningful poem or passage from your loved one's favorite book. Plan out what you want to do at the graveside service so everything goes smoothly, and ask your funeral director for assistance in making all the arrangements. Other options for the graveside service might include live music, such as a bagpipe player or harpist.

The key to ensuring that the service respects your loved one's wishes is to make sure everyone in attendance knows that there will be no religious aspect. Ask everyone for their cooperation, and let the funeral director know if he or she should intervene should anyone go against these wishes.

For more information contact a funeral home like Parsippany Funeral Home Inc.
