Four Tips for Writing an Online Obituary for a Loved One

Many people choose to post obituaries in local newspapers when their loved ones pass away, but in the digital age, it is important to also consider positing an obituary online. An online obituary ensures that anyone that knew and loved your loved one will be able to find out when and how he or she passed away. The guide below walks you through a few things to understand about an online obituary.

Post the Obituary for Free, If Possible

There are many people who assume that they have to pay to have an obituary published online. That is not always the case. There are some websites that allow you to post obituaries for free online. Some funeral homes, for example, have websites where they allow families to post obituaries for loved ones that were buried by the funeral home.

Choose the Right Picture for the Obituary

When you create an online obituary, it is a good idea to include a picture of the person who passed away so that anyone looking for them can rest assured that the obituary is about the person that they knew. You may want to choose a picture that is recent, since that is more than likely how most people will remember him or her.

Consider What Information You Want to Add to the Obituary

When you write an obituary to be posted online, you are often limited to a specific word count. You want to be sure that the information you provide is specific and to the point. Include the person's name, when they were born, and any accomplishments they did throughout their life. You want to be sure to highlight the great aspects about the person's life so that they can be remembered fondly after they pass.

Have Multiple People Review the Obituary Before It Is Posted

After you have written the post, allow numerous people to read over it before you have it posted so that any spelling or grammar errors can be corrected. Once an obituary is submitted for publication, it may be a bit difficult to have it edited to say what you really wanted it to say.

Once the obituary is published online, you and anyone else who wants to read it will be able to easily read it online by simply searching your loved one's name on a search engine. This is very easy to do and will ensure that everyone is able to have the peace they need after your loved one passes away.
