Helping a Child with the Loss of a Parent: 3 Things to Consider When Planning the Funeral

When a young child loses a parent, there is more to consider than just planning the funeral. It's important to make sure the child's feelings are taken into consideration at every step of the planning process and throughout the funeral service itself. Your funeral-home director can help you to make choices that can provide some level of comfort to the child while still paying tribute to the parent. Here are some things you might want to consider if you are ever in this position. Read More 

Four Tips for Writing an Online Obituary for a Loved One

Many people choose to post obituaries in local newspapers when their loved ones pass away, but in the digital age, it is important to also consider positing an obituary online. An online obituary ensures that anyone that knew and loved your loved one will be able to find out when and how he or she passed away. The guide below walks you through a few things to understand about an online obituary. Read More 

Planning A Non-Religious Funeral For Your Loved One

Planning a funeral for someone who wasn't religious can be difficult, particularly if the rest of your family is religious. However, with the help of your funeral director and a few helpful tips, you can create a spiritual service that doesn't go against any of your loved one's wishes. Here are a few ideas you can use when planning a non-religious funeral. Let The Family Know Some relatives may be expecting a religious service because it is what is typically expected at a funeral. Read More